Here’s a look at what’s been brewing at Glasstown, and what is currently on tap for you to enjoy.
IPA, 6.0% ABV
STYLE: Juicy/East Coast India Pale Ale
AROMA: Tropical Fruit, Floral, Dank
FLAVOURS: Complex Citrus, Red Cherry, Peach-Mango Lemonade
Juicy, East Coast or NE IPA’s are a relatively new evolution in India Pale Ales. The original North American IPA’s began on the West Coast. Those ales were aggressively hopped and became increasingly bitter. These IPA’s are aggressively hopped but not bitter. The hops are fruity and bold.
Pale Ale
STYLE: Canadian Pale Ale
AROMA: Floral, Watermelon, Pear, Stonefruit
FLAVOURS: Lemon and Fresh Cut Grass
Canadian pale ales are generally around 5% ABV with significant quantities of New Age hops. Although Canadian-brewed beers tend to use a cleaner yeast and Canadian 2 Row malt and/or Pilsner, it is particularly the hops that distinguish it from British or European pale ales.
STYLE: Dry Stout
AROMA: Chocolate, Coffee, Grassy, Floral
FLAVOURS: Roasted Chocolate and Hint of Coffee
Stout is a dark, top-fermented beer with a number of variations, including but not limited to: dry stout, oatmeal stout, milk stout and imperial or American stout. The first known use of the word stout for beer, in a document dated 1677 found in the Egerton Manuscripts, referred to its strength. The name porter was first used in 1721 to describe a dark brown beer. Because of the huge popularity of porters, brewers made them in a variety of strengths. The stronger beers, typically 7% or 8% alcohol by volume (ABV), were called ‘stout porters’ so the history and development of stout and porter are intertwined, and the term stout has become firmly associated with dark beer, rather than just strong beer.
STYLE: Double India Pale Ale
AROMA: Passionfruit, Citrus, Lemon, Dank
FLAVOURS: Citrus, Notably Lemon/Lime, Lemongrass
Double (or Imperial) India Pale Ales (IPAs) can resemble everything from a Pale Ale to a Barleywine, reserved International Bitterness Units (IBU) to hundreds, from pale to black in colour.
IPA 4.5% ABV
STYLE: Session India Pale Ale
AROMA: Bold Lemon
FLAVOURS: Citrus, Lemon
The BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) has a session category for each style of session beers (3% to 5% ABV).As far as Session IPA’s go, the intention is to provide a flavourful, big-tasting beer that’s easier to drink and won’t weigh you down. A SmaSH is a Single Malt and Single Hop
libby lager
Glasstown Libby Lager, by definition a Pilsner, is a straw to golden colour, with brilliant clarity, and malty sweetness. This pale lager is an easy drinking introduction to the Craft/Independent beer market.
Sour IPA
IPA 6.0% ABV
STYLE: Sour India Pale Ale
AROMA: Passionfruit, Citrus
FLAVOURS: Tangy Citrus, Notably Lemon/Lime
This is a Juicy IPA which is soured in the kettle using lactobacillus. The souring process takes between 24 – 48 hours. When the desired pH is reached, the kettle is brought to a boil and hops are added in the standard fashion for a juicy IPA.
STYLE: India Pale Ale
AROMA: Lime Zest, Citrus
FLAVOURS: Mango, grapefruit, peach, berry and currant
This is a West Coast IPA. The style that exploded on the beer scene. The style is known for aggressive bitterness and citrus aromas.
IPA 5.5% ABV
A kettle sour bursting with local blueberries from Park’s Blueberries.